Sweet frens o' mine

Friday, July 16, 2010

His Sunday routine?

Again, he wakes up late, grabbing whatever random shirt that he can, and after a reflection in the mirror he realizes that it is Saturday? I never knew and I never seemed to care. Once again, unconsciously he wrap his body with his annoying pinky shirt and goes straight to Anas room. Another typical weekend for that not-so-typical boy.

As a teddy bear, I rarely goes out from his room, but it is ok since he have give me a friend named Mr. Robin to accompany me. But Mr. Robin does not talk a lot, maybe he's not adapt well yet to the environment here. There's something about my owner that interests me a lot. He is a principled man, but in the same time he is a free-spirited boy. Weekend sure means a lot to him, although he is always alone because of his roommates were going back home.

On a particular weekend he'll always wake up very early and mumbled something about "hari Ahad routine" to me. As I remember he wake up as early as 5 and preparing for somewhat routine which seems to be important to him. With sneakers on, and PE-class-suit alike, he leaves me and Mr. Robin for his routine.

And after a few long hours he'll back with a very happy smile and a Sunday copy of New Straits Time ( now I remember it is Sunday! ) in his hand. I don't know much about his routine, but as long as he is happy so am I as his teddy.

By, Mr. Tony.


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